Saturday, December 13, 2014

Troop building

One of the things we were working on was a "standard" Dred Trooper.
What do you think of this guy, in these colors?


  1. I guessing you could make a Hun-Dred Trooper with the reverse colorways left over from making a multicolored PVC Ultimate Hun-Dred. That works for me, although I would prefer to see both Hun-Dred and the Trooper be flat colors and not Metallics!

  2. I like the build!! The blaster reminds me of the troops from The Black Hole. It would be nice getting a shot at the red again but Jafari has a great point. Something like the flat colours used on the Trakker Sarvos would be awesome and tie into the flat colours used on the vintage ones and what looks like on the Ultimate Maxxes.

  3. I think the color scheme is great, the red silver and black are classic bad guy colors. If anything i think maybe the bottom is too red?

  4. I like it. Maybe switch the center disk with a black one, but other than that it's looking pretty sharp!

  5. I really like the color scheme, but I agree with the others that something to break up the solid red body would be visually beneficial. It kind of looks like he's wearing overalls.

  6. I like the color scheme. If the body is going to be all red though, I'd rather it be Vulgar or Inferno.

  7. I like the build configuration but I agree with what others have said about the colors being flat, non-metallic colors. Maybe a different hue of red would look good this way?
