Wednesday, October 29, 2014


You guys rock!
The order period for Classic Maxx is closed, and I am very pleased with the results.
The best seller was the Ultimate Maxx, followed by the Basic version. A bunch of people picked up blanks for customizing- I can't wait to see what you do with them!
We're hoping to see production samples in November sometime - as soon as I have pics, I will share them.

It's incredibly difficult to have a completely independent toy company in 2014.
Financing is tough. How do you connect with the fanbase that is out there when you can't see the product in person anywhere?
But you, the fans, have made me happy with your support.
YOU make it happen.
What's next? That's something I have been thinking about. I'd love to mix it up a bit - who'd like a nice Ultimate Cruel to battle your Robo Force? Is Hun-Dred who you are jonsing for more? Or how about a Volkruia Sentinel? How about a pink Robo Force kit? Let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Volkruia Sentinel! Robo Force in those greens would be awesome!

  2. I'd like a light blue kit so we can make S.O.T.A.

  3. Cruel is 100% who I've been waiting for since I saw you were making these guys. The ones that I've ordered in the meantime are just an accumulation of fodder for him when he arrives. Really neat fodder that's worth having, but fodder none-the-less. :)

  4. I'd like to see more basic colors for the Robo Force figure kits, there have been alot of metallics (silver, red & black) but I could go for some Volkria greens or even pinks. Seeing the figure in like an aqua blue with a nice light green would be a nice combination. I'd really wanted to snag an Ultimate of even a Basic Maxx but it was not in the cards finance wise this week. I am glad it was a success for you Doc, here's hoping for more vintage colorways in the future.

  5. i've already mentioned i wanted cruel, because he's purple. and I would then love to have pink sets in there. Cuz I'm such the nerd girl... I love Bahglenn's idea for an aqua too. I know it'd be near impossible, but i'd love to see clear ones too for my own customizing options. :)
    i can't wait to customize the blanks from the preorders!

  6. I'm sad to see that I've missed out on Ultimate Maxx, but I simply didn't have the funds at the time. Hopefully I'll be able to grab the classic model when you reissue.

  7. I think Ultimate Hun-Dred should be next on deck Doc!
    Followed by Ultimate Cruel, Ultimate Sentinel, Opticon, & Seizor...

  8. My vote goes towards Cruel. He doesn't necessarily have to be an Ultimate version, if it were a kit similar to Enemy I would be happy. I've liked the metallics but like Enemy I'd like to see the purple used with Cruel to be non-metallic. I don't know if Neo Gatekeeper purple would be your choice for the purple for Cruel but it'd also add more crossover use for the existing Onell Neo Gatekeeper parts to be incorporated for bigger builds (much like Enemy with Ecroyex and Maxx in Glyaxia colors).

    I'd also like to add that seeing the blank kit that was offered for pre-order would be a cool addition to see with future releases. I'm not suggesting all releases going forward but every now and then a full blank kit would be great to see.

  9. I'm ready for all of those except I'm pretty sure I'd skip the pink one.
